Dear Friends of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church,
Each year you receive a letter asking you to make a pledge to the support and maintenance of St. Andrew’s. Many respond positively, giving generously to support our work. Not only am I grateful, but our community is. Here are some of the things that your stewardship dollars support:
- The Holy Eucharist – Central to Episcopal worship, we gather for the Holy Eucharist Saturday evening and Sunday morning. During the COVID shutdown, we added streaming capabilities for the home-bound, and to reach into the homes of those who want to know about us before they visit. We also gather on Wednesday mornings. There are over 200 opportunities a year to receive communion, pray together, and give thanks to God in community.
- Taizé – This meditative service has just celebrated 15 years here at St. Andrew’s.
- Integrity – Gathering for a pot-luck dinner after the Saturday service on the second week of each month, this group provides support and community for members of the LGBT community and allies.
- Music – Under the leadership our Mary Nelson and Jim Balmer, the men and women of St. Andrew’s choir provide leadership for worship each week from Labor Day through Father’s Day and a couple of times during the summer. When the choir is in recess, Mary continues to provide music to inspire our worship and meditation.
- The Daily Office – We gather online Monday through Friday for Morning Prayer on Facebook Live to start our day in prayer.
- Bible Study – On an average week, there are three opportunities to be involved in a group Bible Study. Whether it is looking over the current week’s Eucharistic readings with Deacon Bob or walking through a book of the Bible with Rev. Cori we can all become more familiar with the sacred texts that guide our faith and our lives.
- Coffee Hour – sometimes called the 8th sacrament. This is an opportunity for our community to get to know each other and relieve the loneliness that is endemic in our society.
- The Way Café – Though this ministry raises its own funds for food and products, the church provides the space and utilities for this to happen. Imagine it without air conditioning and you can imagine this place without your support!
- Arts at St. Andrew’s – Our “in-kind” contributions to the Core Ensemble and other groups by providing rehearsal space and performance space allows us to invite the community for unique and free concerts and plays to enliven the spirit and enrich the mind.
- Communications – From weekly bulletins to the Tiding’s Newsletter, to notifications of events in the community, our office staff works diligently to keep us all in the know! Ann Kreucher, Tracy Simkowitz, and the volunteers they lead are welcoming to visitors and helpful to those who call on the phone looking for information, support, help, or just a friendly voice in times of distress.
- Building and Grounds – A sexton to clean the inside, a yard crew to keep up the outside, and businesses to keep out bugs and beasties. We also have A/C repair folks, plumbers, and roofers on call to take care of our beautiful 90+ year old facility!
This annual campaign is only a small part of the work that is called Stewardship, but it is essential if we are going to continue to make an impact on the lives of those who come here for worship, enlightenment, companionship, and food.
For those who have given before, thank you. We are here because of you. For those who are giving this year, thank you. We will be here tomorrow because of you!
Sincerely & God Bless,
The Very Reverend Cori Olson, Rector