5 Apr 2024 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner

The Season is ending, what now? As we enter the Great 50 Days of Easter, a time of great joy, we also say goodbye to many of our friends who come down for the “season”. It always makes me sad to say goodbye, so,...
21 Nov 2023 0 Comment

2024 Annual Giving Campaign

Dear Friends of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Each year you receive a letter asking you to make a pledge to the support and maintenance of St. Andrew’s. Many respond positively, giving generously to support our work. Not only am I...
22 Jun 2023 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner

Greetings Friends, In our June Newsletter, I announced that everyone was invited to read a book together and then get together to discuss it. That is true! However, I have more than once told people the wrong title, so I thought I’d get...
2 Jun 2023 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner

Greetings Friends, Well, it is that time of year again – Summer! It isn’t the official state of Summer that gets me thinking, it is the choir going on hiatus for a couple of months. Most of the members will be here each Sunday, but...
16 May 2022 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner

Greetings Friends, I’m writing today to share some good news and answer a question or two I’ve been asked. First, I am delighted to share that a member of the congregation has come forward and will sponsor the new air conditioner...
12 Mar 2022 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner—Easter Volunteers

Dear Friends, It’s been two years since that day when we were shuttered our churches in response to the COVID pandemic. We didn’t know that it would last this long. We didn’t realize how much we would lose. Now, we hope that this...
14 Nov 2021 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner-Stewardship—Love, Gratitude, and Caring for Others

Dear Friends, November is a time when we talk about stewardship and gratitude. In all honesty, these are two sides of the same coin. To be a good steward is to care for a thing, and that means care in several senses of the word. When...
1 Nov 2021 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner-Finding The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Dear Friends, The story goes that a new priest arrived at a highly active parish, full of joyful and truly interesting people. The church hummed with happy souls. The priest was happy in his new cure but began to feel something was...
20 Oct 2021 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner-Can You Quote Micah 6:8?

Dear Friends, How many of you can quote Micah 6:8? It is an important verse for this church. Fr. Paul used it often and it is central to the work we do with PEACE (People Engaged in Active Community Effort). The verse is...
16 Sep 2021 0 Comment

Cori’s Corner — How Are We Doing?

Dear Friends, The Vestry will be meeting soon to discuss how we want to organize ourselves around the needs and concerns of the congregation. Though some of those are everlasting such as Worship and Pastoral Care, Stewardship, and...