Greetings Friends,
In our June Newsletter, I announced that everyone was invited to read a book together and then get together to discuss it. That is true! However, I have more than once told people the wrong title, so I thought I’d get the information straight and share it again!
One important detail changed from the original announcement, that is the date. I discovered that there were several folks with conflicts on the first Monday of the month, so, I’ve moved it to the second Monday.
The book I selected, well reviewed in the Christian Century, is Fellowship Point by Alice Elliott Dark. It is available in all the usual places including as an audio book. Somewhat surprisingly, the least expensive choice is a hardback book from Amazon for $15.56. It is also available from the Palm Beach County Library. (Let me know if you need help in getting a copy!)
July 10, 2023 – 10:00 a.m. – Frazell Hall
You are invited to join in a discussion about the book at 10:00 a.m. on July 10, 2023 in Frazell Hall (that’s the parish hall). We’ll have coffee and tea, donuts and fruit, and anything else you’d like to bring to share!
I cannot wait to hear what your thoughts and feelings were as you read the book.
See you soon!
The Very Reverend Cori Olson
Rector, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church