24 Jan 2022
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Faces of St. Andrew’s-Meet James Balmer & Mary Nelson
James grew up in the Scranton area of Pennsylvania, while Mary grew up in Minnesota. Can you believe that she misses the snow?! They both studied at the Westminster Choir College of Ryder University New Jersey, under the tutelage of...
10 Dec 2021
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Face of St. Andrew – Saint Andrew’s Story
Andrew was Saint Peter’s brother and was called with him. “As was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is now called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to...
14 Nov 2021
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Cori’s Corner-Stewardship—Love, Gratitude, and Caring for Others
Dear Friends, November is a time when we talk about stewardship and gratitude. In all honesty, these are two sides of the same coin. To be a good steward is to care for a thing, and that means care in several senses of the word. When...
5 Nov 2021
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Faces of St. Andrew’s-Meet Rob Lucarelli
The man behind the innovative marketing campaign at St. Andrew’s is Ohio transplant Rob Lucarelli. A native of Cleveland, Rob earned his Bachelor of Arts from Baldwin-Wallace University. He pursued his career in marketing and public...
1 Nov 2021
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Cori’s Corner-Finding The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Dear Friends, The story goes that a new priest arrived at a highly active parish, full of joyful and truly interesting people. The church hummed with happy souls. The priest was happy in his new cure but began to feel something was...